Dispositif de détection alarme d’incendie - preview

Fire alarm detection device

Interface card 16 relay outputs with long distance and control and management card of an interface HMI of buttons / leds on a control panel for detection of fire alarm. Advantages: Control and remote control of remote relays Technical details: Intelligent control and control using a CPLD component

Expertise LINUX pour terminal de paiement - preview

MPOS payment terminal

Implementation of a MARVELL PXA300-based card for MPOS application. Technical expertise: Portable LINUX kernel Development of specific drivers Tests and integration

Geolocalizer – GPS receiver for camera

Geolocalizer – A GPS receiver for a camera that fits any type of camera with a ‘Hot-shoe’ connector. Advantages: Records a GPS position each time you take a picture, within 0.2 seconds Allows you to locate the photo directly (precise address and map position) Expert system for indoor use Technical details: Stores 1000 to 8000 […]

PAD metrologie - preview

Remote weather station

Technical characteristics: Processor TI CC1110 Specific LCD Display IST3042 320 Segments 1/2 duty ISM 868 MHz, TIC counter connection, USB WMBUS


LAN-IP / RTC router for SOHO / TPE. Processor INTEL IXP423 xSCALE ARM @ 266MHz SDRAM, FLASH, FXO / FXS Ethernet, USB Linux + TCP / IP ISDN Version: S0 / T0 – E1

Superviseur réseaux radio

Radio Network Supervisor

Espionage and recording of received radio frames and transmission of information over Ethernet network. Technical details: Specific radio receiver module 10/100 Mbit Ethernet Interface Operating Temperature Range: 0 / + 70 ° C

Digital Photo Frame

Technical characteristics: 800 × 600 color LCD screen (SVGA) Marvell Xscale PXA270 416 MHz Microcontroller 32 MB NAND flash memory 32 MB of 133 MHz SDRAM memory RTC Modem V90 USB 2.0 full speed port SDCard / MMC / MS memory reader 1300 mA rechargeable internal battery Motion detector (option) Light sensor Buzzer Operating Temperature […]

IHM pour machine industrielle de précision - preview

HMI for precision industrial machinery

Solution in Windows Compact Embedded (Windows CE): interface for an industrial engraving machine. Features: Recovery of an existing project Adding Control Features Physical characteristics of the project: Cirrus Logic EP93xx Controller, ARM9 32bits Software features of our work: Adding an SD card driver Adding the update from the SD card Adding a splash screen Added […]